You've found the right influencer, now what?

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Understanding the value of the influencer marketing world for your vacation rental or boutique hotel and getting past any red flags you found along the way to finally land on an influencer you think is right for you is a huge undertaking. If you’ve gotten that far, congratulations! But finding the right influencer for your brand is just the first step in an influencer partnership. Once you have identified the influencer you want to work with, there are several things you need to do to ensure a successful collaboration.

Here are some of the key steps to take once you’ve found the right influencer for your brand:

1.Build a relationship

Once you have your eyes on the right influencer, start engaging with their content organically, liking and commenting on their posts. This will help you build a rapport with the influencer and establish trust which is crucial for a successful collaboration.

2. Reach out

When you are ready, send a personal and authentic Direct Message (DM) or email. It may take a little more time to send a personalized message to each person you are reaching out to but remember authenticity matters for both you and the person you’re reaching out to.  Be yourself as you tell them about your brand. Make clear what perks they will receive above and beyond their paycheck such as a free stay at you

3. Discuss the campaign details

Once you have connected with an influencer who is excited to work with you, you need to discuss the campaign details with them. This includes the scope of work, timelines, deliverables, compensation, and performance metrics. Make sure you both understand the rules that can vary from country to country to keep your recommendations honest and truthful, allowing people to weigh the value of your endorsements.

4. Create a content strategy

As the brand, you need to provide some creative direction to the influencer. Giving them guidance on the type of content you want them to create, the messaging you want to convey, and the tone of voice you want to use is important, but also expect them to put their personal touch on everything. Remember why you sought them out: because they are experts in content creation. Providing feedback on the influencer's content and suggesting changes if needed, while also giving them space to showcase their creative skills will ensure you get the most out of your partnership.

5. amplify the content

Once the influencer has created the content, you can help expand the reach. Make sure you stay on top of your social media channels, sharing the content they have created while also keeping your own content pipeline flowing. Include a powerful call to action to stay visible to your target audience through multiple platforms. This will help increase the reach of the content and ensure that it is seen by your target audience. And don’t forget to be warm and welcoming and authentic as your welcome new audiences you will be gaining as a result of this new partnership.

6. measure the results

You should track the engagement rates, sales, and other performance metrics to see if the campaign achieved the goals you set. Make sure you have a lead magnet on your website to convert new visitors into leads and ultimately clients. Collect feedback from the influencer to see what worked well and what could be improved for future campaigns

7. continue to build the relationship

Keep in touch with them, share their content across your platforms, and engage with them on social media. This will help to maintain a positive and productive partnership and may lead to future collaborations.

Partnering with the right influencer and understanding how to connect with them can be a powerful tool for promoting your brand and reaching a wider audience. Reaching out to an influencer for the first time can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can achieve your goals of expanding your marketing strategy into this ever-expanding field. 

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​​Want a clearer path toward finding the best influencer partnership for your brand? Sign up for our Influencer Marketing E-Course dropping in May 2023 where you can learn how to:

  • properly research influencers

  • thoughtfully select an influencer

  • identify the most important social channels for your ideal guest market

  • and more!